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Co-opting Linux Processes for High-Performance Network Simulation


This page describes how to reproduce the Tor simulations that were run for the research paper described on the home page.

The Tor results are presented in our paper in §5.3 and Appendix E.3.2.

Host machine

We run the Tor network accuracy verification using a blade server cluster in which each blade contained identical hardware: 1.25 TiB of RAM and 4×8 core Intel Xeon E5-4627v2 CPUs (without hyper-threading support) running at 3.30 GHz. The servers were running CentOS 7 with Linux kernel version 5.11.6-1.

Our paper uses Shadow at tag v2.0.0-pre.4, which requires the pidfd_open syscall: this syscall was added in Linux kernel v5.3 (published on 2019-09-15). Please ensure that your docker host machine is running Linux v5.3 or later, e.g., using uname -a. (The lastest version of Shadow from the Shadow Github page does not use pidfd_open and does not have this requirement.)

We configured our experiments to run in Docker containers (based off of Ubuntu v20.04) to ensure that we were running identical software stacks across the blade machines.

Set these configs on the host machine:

sudo su
echo fs.nr_open = 104857600 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo fs.file-max = 104857600 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo vm.max_map_count = 1073741824 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo kernel.pid_max = 4194300 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo kernel.threads-max = 4194300 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us = -1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf

You may need to log out and back in, or reboot to apply these settings.

Resource requirements

Our Tor evaluation consists of simulations of networks of different sizes. We generated 6 different Tor networks at the following scales: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% of the size of the public network (in terms of nodes and traffic). The simulations used 178, 357, 540, 727, 919, and 1116 GiB of RAM at Tor network scales of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, respectively.

We ran 10 simulation trials in each of the above 6 networks, and we did this for both Shadow and Phantom, for a total of 120 simulations. In total, these experiments required more than a month of computation time on our machines even when distributed across a 5-machine cluster.

Due to the large resource requirements, we do not expect that it will be easy to reproduce our results. We provide instructions on how to run the experiments in case they are useful. Additionally, we publish some simulation outputs that we used to produce plots for the paper for additional utility.

If you are not going to run the experiments, you can skip ahead to the “plot results” section to learn how to reproduce our plots from our data.

Docker setup

Make sure to install Docker and git. and then run the following commands. This process may take up to 15 minutes:

git clone

Once the above commands complete successfully, you should be able to run the netsim:tor image in a container and get a shell:

docker run \
    --privileged \
    --tmpfs /dev/shm:rw,nosuid,nodev,exec,size=10g \
    -it netsim:tor \

Once inside the container, you can check that the installation is working:

/classic/bin/shadow --help
/phantom/bin/shadow --help

Type exit to leave the container.

Run experiments

The experiments can be run using the following commands, starting from the artifact base directory

cd tor
mv configs exps
cd exps

for f in shadowtor* ; do tar xaf ${f} ; rm ${f} ; done

for d in shadowtor*phantom*
    cd ${d}
    cp ../../ .
    cp ../../
    cd ..

for d in shadowtor*classic
    cd ${d}
    cp ../../ .
    cp ../../
    cd ..

The script will launch docker and cause it to execute the script to run all of the experiment configs in serial. This probably isn’t exactly what you want: you may want to distribute the experiments, or you may want to only run some of the smaller experiments and skip running the larger ones. However, the scripts provide an illustrative example and can be used as a starting point from which you can modify to suit your needs.

Plot results

The output of our own execution of the experiments described above are provided in the data directory. Our plot script will plot this data. If you want the plot script to plot your own data, you need to move the results from your exps/shadowtor*/ directories into a file structure similar to our provided data directory.

Set up the analysis environment, starting from the artifact base directory

cd tor
python3 -m venv pyenv
source pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate the plots:

python3 > stats.txt

This scripts will produce several PDF plots, including those we show in the paper in Figures 22a, 22b, and 22c.